Hi there! I recently saw the new A24 horror film “Heretic”. This film has obviously made big waves in our home state due to its focus on two LDS missionaries as protagonists and the many philosophical debates about faith throughout the film. I thought the film was very good. In fact, I would call it without a doubt the scariest movie of the year, which is funny because I saw so many horror movies this year referred to as “the scariest movie of the year” by critics like “Longlegs” but I didn’t see a single critic refer to this film in that way.
The first half of the film was riveting. The cat-and-mouse game between Grant and the missionaries had me on the edge of my seat and completely engaged. Once the film moved into the “dungeon” half, I was still very into it, but I felt it began to lose some steam. The ending was the weakest part of the film, with some reveals feeling like a bit too much and the plot becoming much more like a stereotypical slasher film. However, I was still entertained throughout the entire runtime and thought the movie as a whole was very well crafted!
What did y’all think? Comment below!